What can you do to battle this thief of time? Everyone can change how they behave now and create action today. If you have a problem overcoming procrastination and you set a lot of goals but your goals never seem to get accomplished they are not really goals but wish lists. Wishing for something to happen at a later time can be helpful in some situations however if you create a plan leading to accomplishment of your wish list- your wish list just became a goal list. When overcoming procrastination is a problem your timeline should be shortened and the focus should be on reaching goal achievement sooner than later. Create a step one, two, and three. Now the important part will be to assign a timeline for each step and then complete the step. The doing part is often overlooked.
I wish I could get to work on time my boss is really upset with me and I might lose my job! Turn your wish into a positive statement. I will be on time to work. This is now your goal. How is this accomplished?
Step one: I will be on time to work tomorrow. When you get home after work begin to think about what you do before work each day. What is your usual routine?
Step two: Place a time frame on your routine. I will drink coffee for 15 minutes then leave my house beginning a 45 minute drive. I will also arrive 15 minutes early. The total time I will need is 1 hour and 15 minutes arriving early to work.
Step three: Execute your plan for the next day accordingly. This is where wishing and accomplishing separate and overcoming procrastination begins!
Step Four: Repeat this thought process everyday you work that week. Create your next statement. I will be on time for work every day this week.
Since procrastination is a habit or a behavior it will not be something that will change overnight. But once you can change a certain part of your current patterns you are on your way to overcoming procrastination forever. It does not matter how you behaved or acted in the past, set a plan for future goal achievement but begin today. Do not waste time and continue wishing, overcoming procrastination can start today.
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